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Have you enjoyed our work all year? Consider making a on-line, tax deductible, donation now.

The Somerville Arts Council (SAC) was founded in 1980 to disperse Arts Lottery Grants to artists, schools and cultural organizations (now called LCC Grants) through a statewide program funded by the MCC. Since then, SAC has expanded its programming considerably. To get a sense of what we do--from youth programs to ethnic market tours--check out the Programs section of the site.

Approximately 15% of our budget comes from individuals, businesses, and foundations.

Individual contributions are crucial to our operation, providing us with both financial support and encouragement. Please remind yourself of the SAC programs you've enjoyed and services we provide; then consider making an one-time annual (or 12 monthly) contribution to the Arts Council.  And your support is tax deductible and our tax ID is: 046-001414

Please donate through our secure portal here. 


Or if you would prefer, send a check payable to the "Somerville Arts Council" to the address below.

Somerville Arts Council
50 Evergreen Ave.
Somerville, MA 02145

Thank you again for your support!